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- Written by: Avi Quijada | Editor-In-Chief
- Category: Featured Stories
You would never believe in a million years that former FBI Agent, Medical Doctor extraordinaire, the queen of all kickass redheads, is turning fifty one this year. Perhaps the knowledge that the woman is immortal it's making it hard to imagine to some of us. Well, that and the fact that Gillian Anderson just gets more beautiful as time goes by.
We at XFN think that one of the best ways to celebrate a character that has inspired so many, and Gillian Anderson's unquestionable talents, is to take a stroll down memory lane. We will be revisiting the most remarcable episodes that are Just.So.Scully. on a two-day marathon, starting on Saturday, February 21st, 2015 at 8 a.m. EST and finishing on Sunday, February 22nd, at midnight. We'll ring in Dana Scully's Birthday on February 23rd.
Click after the jump for the list of episodes, show times and more details.
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- Written by: Sophie Brown | Staff Writer
- Category: Featured Stories
Next month X-Files News will launch its very first book club. Each month we will read through one of the many X-Files books that have been published over the years. Read after the jump to find out how you can join in.
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- Written by: Sophie Brown | Staff Writer
- Category: Featured Stories
Last week we ran a contest to celebrate the release of David Duchovny's debut novel, Holy Cow, which is published tomorrow. Read on to find out who the winners of the three signed copies are, and uncover the answers to our tricky questions.
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- Written by: Avi Quijada | Editor-In-Chief
- Category: Featured Stories
This is a contest for the True X-Phile!
As you know, The X-Files Board Game is finally amongst us. The folks at IDW Games have been hard at work on this puppy for quite some time and they have given us a set to give away to a worthy fan.
Now, this is a contest that will be challenging. We want to put those profiling and investigative minds at work; you like The X-Files, right? Well, you must surely have some FBI skills of your own.
Here is the premise of the contest
Through all of our pages you will find five different cards, one on each XFN page. The following is an actual game piece:
You can find the rest of the game pieces at our Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr and Instagram – Collect all of them!
The combination of the five cards will reveal a single quote from the show. We have broken down the complete quote in five parts; there’s one card to a portion of the quote. Each card, by itself, deciphers a single portion. When you combine all five phrases that you figure out from each card, you will have the complete quote. Simple enough, huh?
How to get the hidden messages:
Look at each card as a single entity. Try to figure out the message through the clues in the picture. You should be able to figure out a sentence per card. If you get stuck with one card, move on to the next, they’re not in any particular order.
Think about what the figures mean, what that iconic picture reminds you of, open your mind to abstract thinking.
Once you figure out one card, we’re pretty sure that the solution of the rest of the cards will be very easy for you! The quote is from an episode of the The X-Files, not an interview, or outtake; it’s a line of dialogue said by one of the actors on screen. It can be from any of the seasons, or either of the two movies.
How to submit your answer:
Send your answer to
If you have any questions about the game, shoot us an email to
The clues are out there, you just have to know where to look.
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- Written by: Avi Quijada | Editor-In-Chief
- Category: Featured Stories
It's been a great year for fans of The X-Files and 2015 is shaping up to be an even better one. The Season 10 comics have been a smashing success and continue to roll on, Year Zero was fantastic and introduced us to two great new characters, the board game has finally been released, and now there are rumblings of an #XFilesRevival in the works.
Could a Phile ask for anything more? Well of course they could! We are a demanding bunch of fans, after all. And so in April, IDW Publishing plans to deliver what promises to be a great addition to any X-Files collection.
Now available for pre-sale, The X-Files: Trust No One is shaping up to be a must-read for Philes looking for their next Mulder and Scully fix. Volume one features authors such as Kevin J. Anderson, Tim Lebbon, and Brian Keene, and is the first of three volumes currently planned. The collected stories will take place before, during, and up until the beginning of the Season 10 storyline, keeping in canon with the television series.
Knowing that the truth was out there, we asked New York Times Bestseller, Bram Stoker Award-winner, and editor of The X-files: Trust no One, Jonathan Maberry, what he could tell us about the upcoming anthology. Justin Eisinger, Senior Editor for Books at IDW also jumped in to answer one of our questions.
Hit the jump for our Q&A with Jonathan Maberry.
Read more: XFN Exclusive: Jonathan Maberry on The X-Files: Trust No One