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Many of us had been waiting for awhile for some sort of opinion, announcement, or sign of what the future of XF3 would be. We thought that when we delivered thousands of postcards and pictures and got to show some power by trending in Twitter, we would catch the attention of 20th Century Fox and get them to give some positive sign of what we wanted.

But this wasn't the case, or at least not in a blatant and public way.

Just like we said to all of you when we came back from the meeting at FOX, we have never imagined letting go of our goal, and this latest statement from Frank Spotnitz doesn't make us waver one bit. He's very clear in his intentions and resolve to get this movie done, if it depended on him

Is it frustrating to be in this situation? Yes, it is. Is it tiresome? Does it seem like a crazy enterprise? Does it make you question if it will ever happen? 

Yes--to all of those questions. It doesn't mean though that we're planning to give up anytime soon.

Just like we said in January, when we set out on this quest of getting XF3 green lit, we never knew it would be so hard, and that in the way there would be so many discussions about why is it worthy to give a chance to something so many people want, and so many talented people are backing up. It would seem natural and a "no brain" situation that XF3 would've been green lit by now... And believe us, if you are angry, if you don't have any more patience, if you've lost hope, imagine the many times a day we have to face the same questions ourselves.

Imagine what the creators who love the show - passionate storytellers that created and nurtured these characters for some many years - imagine what they feel whenever they get as frustrated as we get about this very topic.

It would be easy to give up... but the hard road is to keep fighting for the very same purpose that brought us here: To hear one more X-Files story... whenever this happens. If you know us and if you've been in this Fandom enough to know your cohorts in every single fan community around the world, you'd know by now that we're not the ones to take the easy and sunny path.

So to answer Frank's question... We won't give up. We hope to have all of you fighting with us, right by our side.


The XFN Team