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Issue #1 of IDW Publishing's The X-Files: Season 10 releases tomorrow! After months of waiting, it is finally here. So what can you expect when you open up those pages tomorrow? Well you can take a peek in the preview pages below. We think you'll enjoy it; we certainly did. 

The last time we saw Mulder and Scully, they were in the middle of a tropical ocean, as far away from the darkness as they could get. Well the darkness has returned. Picking up after I Want to Believe, we catch up with our two favorite heros just in time to see them dive into another dark conspiracy. What unravels in the first issue of the "Believers" arc touches on some very important history from The X-Files. After all, the mythology never reached its prophesied conclusion. 

What is this "deadly mystery" that writer Joe Harris spoke about? Who is after Mulder and Scully now? Well, in true X-Files fashion, the Truth is out there. However, we are very excited about what we've seen so far. The story line certainly feels like something from The X-Files

The issues introduced that this series will explore are really interesting. Remember some of those questions you pondered away at for hours on end or the massive conversations on message boards back in the day? Well, we may start to see some answers--but never all of them because after all, Chris Carter is lurking the shadows somewhere in typical Deep Throat fashion. 

There are also some great small details in this issue that harken back to the series and movies. Joe Harris and Michael Walsh show a depth of knowledge for the show that fans will truly appreciate. 

The "Believers" storyline stretches into five issues, and then we're off into other explorations of MOTW and Mytharc stories. We highly recommend picking up a copy of Issue #1; it will not disappoint. If you're not sure where to get one, this should help you find the best option.

We will bring you a full review tomorrow, as there is lots to discuss. It may not be clear where these comics will take us, but one thing is for certain: Mulder and Scully are back.

The X-Files: Season 10 hits stands tomorrow, June 19th.