X-Files News is on Archival Mode. Updates are on hiatus.

As usual, we thought to provide you guys with a timezone guide for the Twee-A-Thon that will happen on Sept.10th. You can check it out over at our Facebook page.

Many Philes have suggested many activities to be held during what aims to be a fantastic celebration and there's a lot to be done!

We'll begin by doing a Global X-Files Viewing Marathon & Skype Files; for the duration of the Tweet-A-Thon, Philes can coordinate with their fellow philes to run their own marathons or join our Skype Files session where will be watching a selection of X-Files episodes. All through the day, we will be sharing trivia about the episodes selected for our proposed playlist. Instructions will be posted on our website on the morning of Sunday Sept. 8th.

Even if you can't join our viewing marathon, we will be trading experiences and stories from fans, cast and crew alike, as part of our walk down memory lane! We'll share "behind the scenes" information and trivia along with all the spontaneous experiences from our fellow Phile tweeters!

As an added activity, we will be tracking our viewing marathon via Get Glue and we invite you to do so as well. Download the application or access via their website and check in every time you tune into a different episode. The more you check in to Get Glue when you watch, the more attention we'll bring to our celebration!

The X-Files: Volume Two goes on sale at noon on Sept. 10th; we'll accompany you while you rush over to La-La Land Records and snag your copy... that is, if you weren't one of the lucky five that will be selected from our sweepstakes!

Expect a few other things to come in during the day as well! Stay tuned to XFN's Twitter feed and facebook for up to the minute information!