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We've reached the end of Season 11 and that gave your podcast crew so much to talk about we almost didn't know where to start. XFN's Avi Quijada and myself Keva Andersen joined David T. Harwood to take an in-depth look at Chris Carter's "My Struggle IV."

We debate whether this was a satisfying end to the season or possibly the series and whether it was a good episode at all. We talk plot, pacing, and share some insight on the production process. And of course there's plenty of discussion on the Scully/Mulder/William of it all and if this is a fitting ending for Dana Scully after 25 years. Needless to say, there's a lot of emotion in this one! Check out this week's episode here, or in the player below.

This may be the end of the season but we have one more podcast to go. Next week we'll be doing a season recap and we also want to hear from you. If you have a question about any episode from any season, hit us up on Twitter @XFilesNews and send us your question. Tag it with #AskXPhiles and we'll try to answer as many as we can on the show.