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And just like that, Philes, we've reached "The End" and The Future as well. On this Double Feature Saturday we tackled both the end of Season 5 and the first film "Fight the Future." What better way to spend Halloween than with Mr. and Mrs. Spooky? "The End" brings out a lot of, shall we say, annoyance, at the introduction of Diana Fowley. And our hearts break along with Mulder and Scully as they stand in the ruins of their office. 

But then we move on to joy as we remember watching Mulder and Scully on the big screen. "Fight the Future" is just as amazing now as it was in the summer of 1998, taking the conspiracy to new heights and almost ALMOST kicking the MSR up to a new level. If it wasn't for that damn bee. Never before has one small insect been so hated. We had a great night with the Rewatch Crew! Here are your best tweets from #XFRewatchTheEnd.  And here are your best tweets from #XFRewatchFTF.